The installation process of php-script Molotok developed for management of a e-commerce platform includes several stages, each of which is compulsory. You can discuss any abnormal situations emerging while installing and setting our application on our message board page.
Php-script Molotok is built based on Yii Framework 1.1.14, and uses Yiinitializr intermediate – a library allowing to simplify and accelerate application development life cycle.
Application framework includes 4 main parts:
We recommend using the Linux-like systems to install the app, e.g. Debian or Ubuntu with reinstalled PHP and MySQL services.
Download the file archive on this page and un-zip it to the root directory of the site, another way is to fork a repository from the Github by executing the following command:
git clone .
Then you need to set permissions on data entry in following directories:
Attention! In case of problems with Web-server configuring, please contact hoster's technical support.
Instructions for configuring the Web server for correct operation of the application is shown on the example of Apache. You must adhere to the same principles when configuring other Web servers.
It should be configured in a way that the root directory would denote /frontend/www. Such approach would provide additional protection for the data placed on the same level with /frontend. In such a manner, the files placed inside the /frontend/www directory, would become accessible while typing main domain name, e.g.
An example of Apache configuration file
<VirtualHost> ServerAdmin webmaster@localhost ServerName DocumentRoot /var/www/demoMolotok/frontend/www <Directory /> Options FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All </Directory> <Directory /var/www/demoMolotok/frontend/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews AllowOverride All Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit, # alert, emerg. LogLevel warn CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined </VirtualHost>
It is recommended to create a separate subdomain (e.g. for the administrator’s part of the trading platform. In a similar way with the example above, it is necessary to spell out the route to the folder in an Apache config file (e.g. /var/www/demoMolotok/backend/www)
You need mod_rewrite Apache for application operation, you can activate it with the following command:
a2enmod rewrite
Create a new database and import auction.sql (SQL Dump) SQL-file in it. This file is stored in the /common/data/ directory. The file contains fundamental trading platform database structure as well as initial settings. You can import the dump with the help of phpMyAdmin utility, practically every server has it installed. To do that, please follow created database -> Import -> auction.sql file.
You can also un-zip the SQL Dump by means of command line, for that connect to MySQL, create or choose necessary database and input the following command:
mysql DB_NAME -uUSER_NAME -pPASSWORD < auction.sql
On this stage you need to configure the component for database connection in /common/config/env.php. settings file. Change the parameter value in mysql:host, dbname, username and password fields.
'db' => [ 'connectionString' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=dbname', 'emulatePrepare' => true, 'username' => 'root', 'password' => '', 'charset' => 'utf8', 'enableProfiling' => true, 'enableParamLogging' => true, 'tablePrefix' => '', 'schemaCachingDuration' => 0, ],
Go to administrator’s part -> "Settings" section, and specify basic parameters. Access data to the administrator’s part:
We strongly recommend you to change your admin environment access password, it can be done in the "Administrators Management" section.